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Grain drying and storage system
Drying method: alternating heating in two air ducts, direct and counter-current drying.
Types of grain: corn, wheat, rice, soybeans, etc.
Drying efficiency: standard rainfall 5%-20%.
Coal consumption kg/h: 269-290
Power consumption, kW: 73.35



The whole process is mechanized and intelligent, with double air ducts for alternate heating, forward and counter-current drying, multi-stage heating, slow soaking and cooling; low energy consumption and no reduction in the quality of raw grain.
Scope of application: drying operations for corn, wheat, rice, soybeans and other food crops.
1. The use of countercurrent drying, slow ripening and cooling processes brings the dried grain closer to the effect of natural drying.
2. Adopt drying technology with high, medium and low temperature adjustment to ensure drying quality and reduce energy consumption.
3. The technology of uniform air distribution in the ventilation section ensures uniform heating and dehydration of the entire layer of grain, ensuring uniform moisture content in the grain after drying.
4. Integrated double-layer shell design, waste heat recovery and utilization, reducing energy consumption, beautiful appearance and environmental protection.
5. The drying and storage process is fully mechanized, with online detection, intelligent control, automatic drying temperature adjustment, video monitoring, fault alarm, and one-click start and stop.

Model/parameters Processing capacity (t/d) Hour Coal consumption kg/h Rated Power consumption kw Moisture Evaporation capacity kg/h
Precipitation 5% 10% precipitation 15% precipitation 20% precipitation
5HSN-100 300 150 100 75 269-290 73.35 887
5HSN-150 450 225 150 112 405-434 78.85 1330
5HSN-200 600 300 200 150 539-577 105.65 1770
5HSN-300 900 450 300 225 810-867 166.35 2660
5HSN-500 1500 750 500 375 1348-1445 240.8 4430
5HSN-600 1800 9000 600 450 1620-1734 383.9 5300


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